
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”…John 13:35

It was a long term prayer for us who are involved in Bible Translation to work for the community Development of our Target Group people. It happened as a blessing when we were conducting a seminar-cum-work shop on Irula community Development . After I apprised by the pastors and Evangelists of the manifold problems faced by the Irulas I went to the field with a heavy heart to do some service to the people.

I visited the villages called Kopanari and Vathalaki which are in the forest areas. I was visited by the men of the villages who came and talked with me about their poverty and their deplorable life because they don’t have any income. Forest yields are taken by Government Agencies. Moreover they have to walk 30 kilometers every day in the forest for getting any simple job in the town.

Candle Making:

We initiated candle making cottage industries. First we gave training to 10 families in our premises in candle making. They were very happy that they could do it in their houses. Then we selected five families and gave them candle dyes and waxes as initial capital.

They made it perfectly and started earning for the first time independently. Now these five families are good at making candles and getting remuneration of Rs 200/- per week. But to earn more they need to invest in raw materials.

Those poor families are unable to do that. We are praying to God they could be helped with a revolving funds as micro credit. Among those five families three of them are attending our cottage prayers every week.


“So that your giving may be in secret, then your Father, who sees What is done in Secret, will reward You” – Math: 6:4.

which are run by BIT-LIT Ministries in the villages Alangandi and Pudur are functioning very well. In Alangandi all the ten children are happy and healthy and grown in height and weight. The mothers who are unable to go for work even for their daily bread are very happy now. There is a great opening for Gospel among the village leader’s family

In Pudur, the cook and the teacher are sincere and serving the food in very healthy way. There are some small children in the Balvadi who are not able to take food. So their parents come to the Balvadi centre in the midst of their daily work at the lunch time to feed the children.

Mushroom Farms :

We have implemented mushroom farms in two villages Arakadavu and sengutaiyur and taught families how to grow them.

The climate in Annaikatti is very complimentry in growing them. It has a good market and helps the familes to profit of them.

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